- Line-matched classic 2-column format
- Presentation page to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or a note
- Words of Christ in red help you quickly identify Jesus' teachings and statements
- Reading plan guiding you through the entire Bible in a year
- Full color maps show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context
- Ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading
- Durable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding for years of use
- Easy-to-read 9-point NKJV Comfort Print
EAN: 9780718074463
ISBN: 0718074467
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Author: Thomas Nelson
Binding: Imitation Leather
Dimensions: 2.54 cms H x 22.86 cms L x 13.72 cms W (0.59 kgs) 1120 pages
Pub Date: 01/30/2018
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