The New King James Bible is one of the best-selling and most-trusted modern English translations. Millions of readers around the world enjoy the beauty of the NKJV, the ease of reading the Bible in today's English, and the accuracy of the translation. The Thomas Nelson NKJV Large Print Pew Bible is a trusted and durable Bible with an easy-to-read font, making it an excellent choice for use in churches and a variety of worship settings.
- Words of Christ in red
- Beautiful Thomas Nelson custom KJV fonts
- Full-color maps
- Table of weights and measures
- Charts showing the miracles, parables, and ministry of Jesus Christ
- Easy-to-read large 12-point text size
EAN: 9780718095635
ISBN: 0718095634
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Author: Thomas Nelson
Binding: Cloth
Dimensions: 4.57 cms H x 21.84 cms L x 13.46 cms W (1.00 kgs) 1920 pages
Pub Date: 01/30/2018
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