The NKJV audio bible on DVD, Signature Edition is a word for word translation dramatized by multiple voices, and narrated by Stephen Johnston in the bridging text where there are no characters speaking. This Signature edition includes the complete Old and New Testament, along with the Through the Bible in a Year Weekly Reading Guide, which allows you to see and hear the complete Word of God in a convenient 52 Week format on your television or computer.
Why get an Audio Bible?
- But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you...Psalms 40:16
- The Bible on DVD gives you a choice of what to watch on television
- With a DVD Bible you can hear and see the Word of God
- The Bible on DVD helps children learn to read and understand the Bible
- A Bible on DVD will enable you to relax with God
Ships in 10 - 15 days
NOTE: You will need a multi-region DVD player for this DVD
Format: DVD
EAN: 9781598567182
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